
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

DIY Handprint

I'm always looking for neat gift ideas for my daughter to give her grandparents and great grandparents for the holidays. I've given personalized picture frames for the past couple a years and really wanted to change it up. So I found a stepping stone recipe and decided to tweak it and make it so that it could be hung inside the house instead of being outside. 

What you'll need:
Puffy Pa,.;int
Mixing bowl
Mod podge
Foam sponge
Something to gauge how big you want it to be- I used a large metal measuring cup
Baking sheet lined with aluminum foil
Rolling Pin
Plastic Straw

Take 1/2 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of flour and sift together over mixing bowl. Mix in about 1/4 cup of water or more until the dough forms a slightly moist ball- the consistency of Play-Doh.

Now roll out dough,on a floured surface, to desired size. I rolled mine to about 1/2 inch thickness

This is how I made sure each one was about the same size

Take the straw and put two holes in the dough for the ribbon.

Space them like this.

Next press your child's handprint into the dough. Make sure each finger makes a good impression. Then lay on a floured baking sheet and Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 3 hours. Take out and let cool completely on cooling rack and Leave them to cool and harden over night. After they are done you can thread the ribbon through the holes and write your child's name and the year with the puffy paint. After the puffy paint dries, coat the Modge Podge over the entire front surface to give it a nice sheen! We did this for a lot of people and it was a huge hit!

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