
Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY Gymnastics Balance Beam

My daughter has recently started her first session of gymnastics and I've been thinking of ways to get her to practice some of the things shes learned, at home. Well, of course my mind started to twitch the second I stepped into the gym and I began breaking things down and coming up with ways to construct them at home. And my balance beam was born. 
What you'll need: 

A 4x6x8 board
A 1x4 cut into 18inch pieces
Carpet pieces-I used inexpensive woven rugs 
 Staple gun

Wrap the carpet or rug around the post, leaving some at the end of the board to wrap. Staple the rug to the SIDES of the board. Don't staple it to the top! You don't want tiny toes getting hurt if one pops out of place! Then flip it over, pull the carpet tight and staple it to the bottom of the board. Cut off any excess material. Continue to do this with the rest of the material until the whole board is covered. 

Don't forget to leave some on the ends to wrap around. 

Cut off the extra carpet on the bottom, just leave the top part to wrap around the bottom and then staple it to the board.

Now nail the 1x4 boards to the bottom. I used four and spaced them equally apart.

Now flip it over and PRESTO you have your very own floor balance beam! And hundreds less than the professionally made ones! SCORE!

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